martian's blog

Action Conference 7./8. November Leipzig

In August, Ende Gelaende posed as the biggest action of civil disobedience in the climate movement so far. 1.500 people occupied the open-cast coal mine Garzweiler. Many people took part in such an action for the very first time. Despite the police and RWE using extreme violence and threats of repression, we didn't let them stop us and made the coal excavators stand still. Also, Ende Gelaende helped the paradox of climate protection and coal mining to be covered by German media. For many this has been a demanding, but encouraging experience that creates an appetite for more!


Preperation meeting 21./22. march in Hannover

Hello everyone,

the clock is ticking and we urgently need to get active to stop runaway climate change. This is why we don't wait till the government officials meet in Paris and -once again- won't agree on any substantial actions. This summer, we take action ourselves.

From 14th to 16th of August it's “No country for old coal” in the Rhineland coal area in Germany. In a huge action of civil disobedience we will walk into the open pit mines, stop the diggers and occupy one of the biggest CO2-emitting industrial sites of Europe.

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