Action Conference 7./8. November Leipzig

In August, Ende Gelaende posed as the biggest action of civil disobedience in the climate movement so far. 1.500 people occupied the open-cast coal mine Garzweiler. Many people took part in such an action for the very first time. Despite the police and RWE using extreme violence and threats of repression, we didn't let them stop us and made the coal excavators stand still. Also, Ende Gelaende helped the paradox of climate protection and coal mining to be covered by German media. For many this has been a demanding, but encouraging experience that creates an appetite for more!

It's all or nothing now
Of course a one-time-action can only set an example. At the same time the approaching international climate negotiations in Paris raise the question of the purpose of summit protests. We believe: based on the model of the anti-nuclear-movement, we can become a movement which can strongly oppose the profit-making of fossil industry and energy companies – using our diversity, determination and our numbers. We have to become the permanent factor that ruins the balance sheets of companies like RWE or Vattenfall. It's about much more than just an immediate coal-phase-out. We are fundamentally dealing with capitalism based on growth, which wouldn't work without the destruction of our livelihoods. It is also about the social issue of distribution, people here suffering from power cuts, people in the global south losing their basis of life – although they aren't responsible for climate change. The climate movement is about defending the opportunity of a good life for everyone.

What next?
On the 7th and and 8th of November we want to gather with as many of you as possible to have an action conference in Leipzig. Shortly before the UN climate negotiations in Paris, we want to plan our future resistance. Will many of us go to Paris and join the protests on short notice? What do we think of the idea to block the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide all around the globe in April? Will there be another Ende Gelaende next year? How will the discussion around degrowth and more action-based approaches proceed to work together? And what will we do on-site?

Who is invited?
Just like we made decisions together during the action, we want as a movement to talk about the future together with all of you. Everyone can contribute their perspective on what should happen next. Whether you are part of an environmental organisation/NGO, a leftist group our an initiative, or aren't organized in a group at all – you are welcome. Besides bigger discussions and working on long-term perspectives, we also want to work an possible specific implementations in smaller groups. You can all come and participate, even if you don't have any experience in shaping and planning protests.

The action conference itself
The conference will take place on the 7th and 8th of November in Leipzig. On the 6th of November we will most likely host a bigger event on the controversial topic of the climate summit in Paris. Thus it's worth it to already come on Friday. We will start at 10 o'clock on Saturday and try to finish up at half past one on Sunday. We will ask for donations for the food, but everyone can attend, no matter how much money you have.


More information about the conference will follow soon.

If you need a place to sleep and to give the people organizing the conference a better idea of how many people to expect, please register your attendance until the 1st of November here: veranstaltungen@ende-gelä