Declartion of Solidarity


Solidarity with the peaceful resistance against coal

We need a clear sign against coal power right now

(24th of July, 2015)

Burning Coal is one of the main causes of global climate change. Millions of people, especially in the global south, suffer from its catastrophic consequences, from droughts, hunger, the extinction of species, wheather extremes and floods. Many of these people already have to flee today. The international climate negotiations, such as the COP21 in Paris, will remain unsuccessful as long as coal, oil and gas are exploited. Therefore, many people from all over the planet have taken matters into their own hands over the last few years. Together they prevented hundreds of coal-fired power plants, and they demand the phase-out of coal mining.

The rhenish lignite mining area is a symbol of destruction due to coal and the vibrant resistance against it. With its four big lignite power plants the region holds one of the biggest sources of CO2 in all of Europe. The mines swallow villages and forests, pollute ground water and blow their toxic dust even into the big cities. Both local people and environmental and other organisations are opposing this since many years. They made the Rhineland the spot for different kinds of protest. Many demand a sustainable change of structure for the coal mining areas and sustainable jobs instead of the coal industry. Many see themselves as part of a global movement for climate justice.

Despite the massive dangers of climate change and despite all protests the energy companies keep the system of coal extraction and energy conversion running, still unflusterd. The signals the federal and the state governments send are completely insufficient to initiate actual change. We call upon the policy makers to decide to soon take the necessary steps for a coal phase-out. But even the planned carbon taxes for the most polluting power plants were taken back due to pressure from the coal lobby.

We, the organisations signing this declaration, are shocked by this way of making politics, and the way that millions of people globally are put under existential threat. Facing this threatening climate catastrophy, we can understand that people find themselves constrained to resist coal mining with civil disobedience
The consensus of the campaign „Ende Gelände“ stresses their concern for security and transparency for everyone involved and rules out the destruction of infrastructure and an endangerment of people during the action. Civil disobedience against existential dangers and nuisances has a long and important democratic history. Without resistance -also disobedient resistance- against nuclear power we would not have the nuclear phase-out in Germany today.

„„Ende Gelände“ is an awakening sign to exit a destructive technology, a sign for the preservation of environment everywhere and for practical solidarity with our fellow human beings worldwide – especially those who are endangered by climate change already today. We declare our solidarity with all people who are engaged in peaceful resistance against coal.

The declaration of solidarity has been signed by (alphabetically)::

  • Attac Germany
  • Citizens Initiative for climate protection (BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz)
  • Federal coordination of internationlism (Bundeskoordination Internationalismus (BUKO))
  • Friends of the Earth Germany (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND e.V.))
  • Friends of the Earth Northrhine-Westphalia (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz -Landesverband NRW e.V.)
  • Friends of the Earth Saxony (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz - Landesverband Sachsen e.V.)
  • Young Friends of the Earth Northrhine-Wesrphalia (BUNDJugend NRW)
  • Campact
  • FIAN Germany e.V.
  • Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V.
  • Local Initiative Buirer für Buir
  • Friends of Nature Germany (NaturFreunde Deutschlands)
  • Oxfam Germany e.V.
  • PowerShift
  • Robin Wood
  • Environmental Institute Munich (Umweltinstitut München e.V.)
  • Urgewald
  • WEED -World Economy, Ecology and Development e.V.